since i have nothing much to do. (while waiting for stuff from friend). i'll just write what happen last weekend.
basically, it was a saturday n MASA is having their BBQ at marubra beach. i didnt had any1 to go with so i called up zulaikha. she agreed and taking the 1 hour bus from macquary to the city. huhu. btw, at the bbq we ate a lot!! n played a few games. the tandori chicken was great! but we didnt hit the sea as it was freezing cold!
after that, met up with christine n buncis in the city. the she ajak us to go clubbing. at first we were supposr to go with her housemates. but they back out n we went just the 3 of us. zue n chris went shopping at the city for the night. me n buncis, had to wait n layan them. hahaha.
room.n then the sun sets n night is alive! so buncis went back to SUV for futsal while i went to christine's place. i had a nap there. while the gurls do their stuff. then went back at my place. n i had to siap2. the moment they step in, they were going nuts!! keep blabering bout my stuff everywhere, not organized, n not clean at all! even my bed! so, they litarally cleaned up my i help out a bit with the carrying of stuff. huhu. my room was from a bunch of stuff to a 'room'. im impressed!! haha. thanks u two!!
so then, i siap2 n then clubbing. nothing much. just clubbing.
after that every1 blk to their own places. zue slept over at christine's. n the next day, we sent zulaikha back to the bus stop in the city. huhu. guess wat? she left her hp at christine's place! haha. pity zue.
till then. cheers!